6 Surprising Uses of Banana Peels !

2.Reduces Wrinkles

Facial wrinkles occur when the skin loses its elasticity and it loses its firmness. The antioxidants and vitamin C in bananas can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. This is an all-natural face moisturizer that leaves your skin feeling softer and healthier.

-Apply a mashed-up banana paste to your skin leave for 30 minutes or overnight.

-Wash your face and moisturize

-Repeat 3 times a week.

This is an all-natural face moisturizer that leaves your skin feeling softer and healthier.

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3.Teeth whitener

Bananas are neither acidic nor abrasive, and the soft peel of bananas is very rich in potassium that can help reduce yellow spots and gently exfoliate your teeth. It is not intended to replace cleaning but rather complements the effectiveness of removing some stains and demonstrating a whiter sheen.

-Brush your teeth and rinse your teeth well.

-Take the inside of a banana peel and rub it on your teeth for two minutes.

-Rinse your teeth again and repeat the process daily.

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4.Meat tenderizer

To keep your steak moist and tender, Place ripe banana skins at the bottom of a roasting pan before adding the meat for cooking. This prevents white meat from dehydrating. Alternatively, cover the meat with the banana peel while cooking – it keeps it cooking while also keeping the moisture from vaporizing.

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For a homemade polish on shoes, silver, or leather, use the peel from an unripe banana to rub over the item. The banana peel contains substances such as potassium and natural oils that help clean metal or leather.

-Take the banana peels and place them in a blender.
-Add half a cup of water to the mix.
-Mix until it becomes a paste.
-Rub the metal or shoe with the putty for a few minutes.

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6.Heal Bites

Bites from any insect can be painful and itchy. Because banana peels contain anti-inflammatory properties, they can be used to treat sores and associated pain and rashes. Gently rub the white part of ripe banana skin over the bite area. It reduces swelling and alleviates the aching.

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